Selecting paint colors for your home can be a very daunting and overwhelming task. With all of the different paint colors, paint brands, and painters out there it is sometimes hard to even know where to begin!
We just completed a painting project for one of our clients. She felt like she needed to freshen up some rooms in her home and also add some color to her walls. So, we helped her with the selection of paint colors for the interior and exterior of her home. After we decided on the selection of paint colors for her home, we brought our painter in to get the job complete. We ended up painting an accent wall in her living room, a bathroom ceiling, interior doors, her whole basement including an accent wall, her basement bathroom, and garage doors. Here are a few before and after pictures! And, if you are in need of selecting paint colors for your home give us a call and we can help you with your painting project from start to finish!